São Paulo environment agreement: 91 successful cases in the climate agenda
Tipo | LIVRO | |
Título | São Paulo environment agreement: 91 successful cases in the climate agenda | |
Autor(es) | CETESB - Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Iglecias, Patrícia | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Ferrer, Josilene Ticianelli Vannuzini | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Schmid, Ana Maria Gonçalves Schmid et al. | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Huet, Daniel Soler | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Zani, Elizabeth Poletti Zani | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Ricci, Alexsandra et al. | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Madacki, Aletea Cristina Avila et al. | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Barbosa, Admilson Clayton | |
Autor(es) Secundário | Mello, Adriana Castro de Andrade et al. | |
Data Emissão | 2022 | |
Data Publicação | 2022 | |
Data de acesso | 2023-06-17T23:34:49Z | |
Editor(es) | CETESB/SIMA | |
Formato | 362 p., il. color., broch., A4 | |
Formato Ext. | 1 arquivo (PDF : 118 MB) | |
Idioma | pt-br | |
Tombo | 014626 - 014627 | |
URI | 014626_Sao-Paulo-environmental-agreement-91-cases-2022.pdf | |
URI | https://repositorio.cetesb.sp.gov.br/handle/123456789/2499 | |
Assuntos | Aquecimento global | |
Assuntos | Carbono | |
Assuntos | Efeito estufa | |
Assuntos | Gases | |
Assuntos | Mudanças climáticas | |
Assuntos | Acordos ambientais | |
Assuntos | Arquivo técnico | |
Assuntos | Memória institucional | |
Assuntos | São Paulo (BR) | |
Classificação | 8500 | |
Descrição | ABIOVE. ABIOVE’s Sustainable Oil Programme ABIVIDRO. Carbon Trust Program ABRAVA. Reverse logistic of refrigerant cylinders AMBIPAR. Corridors for Life AR Grouped Project APAS. GHG emissions avoided through banning single-use plastic bags in São Paulo city ARACI SOLAR. Photovoltaic Generator System in Industry 39 kilowatt peak (kWp) ARCELORMITTAL. Carpark case study / Steligence: the intelligent construction choice ASSAI. Assaí Atacadista’s renewable energy mix as a vector for combating climate change. BRASKEM. Green PE I’m Green™ (GREEN PE I’M GREEN™) / Vesta Project: modernization of the ABC petrochemical complex BYD. Replacement of fluorescent lamps with Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps) CARREFOUR. CarbonFree –Offsetting logistics emissions by Carrefour Brasil Group CBA. Biomass Fired Boiler / Smelter Technology Update CHEMOURS. Sustainable Commercial Refrigeration COCAL. Expansion of Localized Vinasse Application / Limestone Application Using Precision Technology COMBIO. Energy transition project: biomass boilers CPFL ENERGIA. CPFL and RGE in Hospitals / Preserva / Development of a Sustainable Campus model at UNICAMP - living laboratory for applications of mini renewable generation, energy efficiency, monitoring and management of energy consumption / Electrical mobility: the new path / Innovation for adaptation to climate changes / Multisource hybrid energy system management / Sustainable Charging Station Integration, Comprehensive Monitoring, and Real-Time Connectivity / Urban Reforestation with Security DESENVOLVE SP. Measuring the carbon consumption of Desenvolve SP and neutralization through “Integration Planting” ECOFUNDING. UFV Golf Club Barra ECOSOLAR. Container EcoSolar® ECOSUPORTE. Determination of purity refrigerant as an indicator for energy efficiency of refrigeration / Refrigerant reclaimed as avoided GHG emissions strategy EMAE. Projects to generate electricity from solar sources, Floating Photovoltaic Power Plants, to be installed in the water mirror of the Billings Reservoir (Metropolitan Region of São Paulo - Brazil) EMILIAN. Implementation of Electric Charging Stations ENC ENERGY. Energy from Landfill Gas (LFG) - Guatapará Energia S.A. e SPE Tremembé Energia Ltda. FARAH SERVICE. Bike path, Social Impact and Carbon Reduction: the New Rio Pinheiros FECOMERCIO SP. Fecomercio Sustainability Award GAIL. Dual system: GN furnace and wood chip furnace GM C. Materials recovery from e-waste recycling GPA. Sustainable Transport Modalities for GPA E-commerce Deliveries GUARANY. Guarany Saving Water Sources INPEV. Campo Limpo Environmental Educational Program (PEA) / Campo Limpo System Eco-efficiency Study / Improvement of the Campo Limpo System energy mix, with the implementation of photo-voltaic power generation system LEROY MERLIN. Compensation of GHG Emissions Generated in the New Stores Constructions / Forest Week / HQE-AQUA Certification: Use and Operation / Postera Project LOGUM. Using Pipeline system to transport Ethanol with a significant reduction in carbon emissions NEW SUN. UFV NewSun Sapucaí OAB. Range of transformational actions of the class of lawyers regarding the climate change issue QUANTICUM. Good Practices in Regenerative Agriculture RAÍZEN. Biogas from Vinasse / Biomass Energy (Bagasse Pellets) / Cellulosic Ethanol / Raízen and the creation of the Bioenergy Park: full circularity RESERVAS VOTORANTIM. The structure of the Legado das Águas Private Reserve ROTTA MORO. Education and climate advocacy / Joining the Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) SABESP. Corporate Program of Sustainable Sewage Treatment Plants / Distributed Generation Program - Photovoltaic Energy SAVIN, PAIVA. Low Carbon Advocacy SÍRIO-LIBANÊS. 100% renewable energy / Actions contributing to low carbon emissions / Compensation of emissions making investments in education / Hospital Sírio-Libanês: Strategies for management of Carbon Neutral and Zero Carbon in Energy SUN MOBI. Community solar photovoltaic (PV) distributed generation SYLVAMO. Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program (Mogi Guaçu Roots) / São Marcelo Forest Park Natural Heritage Private Reserve / Sustainability practices in the supply chain Sustainable supply chain / Verde Mel Project TÁCITO CONSULTORIA. TÁCITO A2030 TEREOS. Replacement of Nitrogen Fertilizers / Restaurant Waste Composting Project / Vinasse Biodigestion TETRAPAK. Tetra Pak’s Journey to Zero Landfill TOYOTA. Circular Economy in the Value Chain / CO2 Reduction through Hybrid Vehicles / Energy efficiency – applying “just in time” concept in equipment / Engaging the Supply Chain / Project ReTornar - Reusage of uniforms and automotive fabrics for making sustainable gifts / Projeto ReTornar - Etios Aibo / Use of certified green energy ÚNICA. Greener Ethanol (‘Etanol Mais Verde’) / RenovaBio USINA LINS. Programa SEMEAR / “Preventing Fires Together” - Awareness, Prevention and Firefighting Campaign USINA PITANGUEIRAS. Regular planting since 2016 VIRACOPOS. Replacement of metal steam lamps with LED / Valorization of solid waste to Waste Derived Fuel (CDR) generation Appendices: Technical note 01.1: quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions |